Emma Wincup

Profile photo of Emma Wincup
Emma is Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Leeds School of Law. Her most recent research has focused on drug use and its control. This has resulted in a series of publications on drug treatment, the interconnections between welfare and drug policy, and the impact of drug policy on women. More generally, she is interested in the interconnections between crime and social policy and the policy-making process.


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The US opioid crisis: quantifying the impact

Prescription opioids

Emma Wincup examines a recent US cross-sectional study that measures the burden of opioid-related mortality in the United States, which suggests that opioids (prescribed and illicit) could kill nearly half a million people across America over the next decade.

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Women-only drug treatment services: their time has come #DAWF18


Emma Wincup and Katharine Sacks-Jones explore the findings of a recent qualitative study that asks: Do women with complex alcohol and other drug use histories want women-only residential treatment?

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