Katharine Sacks-Jones

Profile photo of Katharine Sacks-Jones
Katharine is Director of Agenda with over 15 years’ experience working across policy, campaigns, public affairs and parliament. She is an expert in social policy and has a track record of influencing the policy, political and media agendas and bringing about policy change for marginalised groups. Katharine currently sits on the Advisory Board for Female Offenders and co-chairs the Women’s Mental Health Task Force at the Department of Health. Before joining Agenda, Katharine led the Policy & Campaigns team at Crisis. She has written for the Guardian, Telegraph, Huffington Post and New Statesman as well as sector and specialist publications.


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Women-only drug treatment services: their time has come #DAWF18


Emma Wincup and Katharine Sacks-Jones explore the findings of a recent qualitative study that asks: Do women with complex alcohol and other drug use histories want women-only residential treatment?

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