Not enough evidence to support the use of low-level laser to minimize pain,swelling, and reduced mouth-opening after third molar removal


The removal of third molars is one of the commonest surgical procedures undertaken and the majority of patients develop some degree ofpain, swelling, and trismus after the surgery. Some investigators have stated that low-level laser energy irradiation (LLEI) decreases pain and swelling after surgery, and that it would contribute to a faster recovery. The aim [read the full story…]

No evidence to support the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy for treatment of temporomandibular disorders


The aim of this review was  to  assess the scientific evidence on the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The authors searched  the  PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane Clinical Trials Register, and PEDro databases.  Papers were screened, extracted, and quality assessed  independently by two  reviewers. A meta-analysis- was performed [read the full story…]

Using lasers to treat dentine hypersensitivity suggests slight benefit

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This systematic review looks at whether laser therapy is more effective than desensitising agents for treating dentine hypersensitivity (DH).   DH is a common problem characterised by a short sharp pain which cannot be ascribed to any or dental problem.  It has increased in prevalence over the last few decades with prevalence being reported as high [read the full story…]