Sally Nieman

Profile photo of Sally Nieman
Sally Nieman is a qualified social worker with experience in adult social care local authority settings. She is also an independent Best Interests Assessor. She works part-time for the London Borough of Camden as the adults’ social work education lead. She is also funded by the NIHR SSCR as a Capacity Building Fellow. She is currently undertaking her Professional Doctorate in Social Work at the University of East London: her research study is exploring the social work role with older people in care homes.


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When is the best time for a person with dementia to move to a care home?

There are more than 400,000 older people living in care homes in the United Kingdom (UK) and around 80% of those people are likely to have dementia (SCIE, 2020). Care homes can be funded by the local authority, the National Health Service (NHS) or privately: it is estimated that around 40% of residents in care [read the full story…]