Endodontic treatment for compromised first permanent molars.

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This review of the clinical success rates of endodontic therapies used on compromised first permanent molar teeth in a child aged 16 and under included 11 studies. While good success rates are suggested for pulpotomy the limited evidence means definative conclusions cannot be drawn.

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Regenerative endodontic treatment: Does apical diameter affect outcome?

By Drs. Ken Hargreaves and Obadah Austah, Dept of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Ken Hargreaves, CC BY 3.0 us, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30784169

This review of regenerative endodontic treatment included 14 small observational studies of limited quality suggesting a possible influence of apical diameter on clinical outcomes.

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Regenerative endodontic treatment or MTA apical plug in teeth with pulp necrosis and open apices?

By Drs. Ken Hargreaves and Obadah Austah, Dept of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Ken Hargreaves, CC BY 3.0 us, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30784169

This review of regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plug (MAP)in the treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis and open apices used broad inclusion criteria. 144 studies were identified suggesting promising outcomes. However the quality of the available evidence is very low and more high quality research is needed.

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Regenerative endodontics in non-vital immature permanent teeth

By Drs. Ken Hargreaves and Obadah Austah, Dept of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Ken Hargreaves, CC BY 3.0 us, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30784169

This review of regenerative endodontics for non-vital immature permanent teeth included 14 studies. Although suggesting good outcomes overall they were of low quality with a high risk of bias. Larger high quality studies are needed.

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Endodontic treatments for immature necrotic teeth


This review of endodontic treatments for immature teeth included 7 small RCTs at medium to high risk of bias. They suggest that mineral trioxide (MTA) may provide better clinical outcomes in relation to apical closure but the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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