SMS texting to quit smoking: a meta-analysis of text messaging interventions for smoking cessation

Text message

Olivia Maynard reviews a new meta-analysis of SMS text messaging for smoking cessation and reveals that this intervention is not as effective as other methods of helping people quit smoking.

[read the full story...]

A practical guide to social media in mental health practice

This review highlights a huge range of predictors of treatment response that varying widely in their clinical utility.

This new 30-page guide (PDF) is a must read for any health and social care professionals who are thinking about getting more involved with social media. Twitter remains a terrifying prospect for many professionals working in health and social care, but in my experience it’s very rare for someone to actually give it a go, [read the full story…]

Health Technology Assessment report finds computer and other electronic aids can help people stop smoking

Crushing cigarette packet

Smoking continues to be the greatest single preventable cause of premature illness and death in developed countries. Although rates of smoking have fallen, over 20% of the adult population in the UK continues to smoke. Anything which can be done to help people stop smoking will therefore have substantial public health benefits. More and more [read the full story…]