[Editor: We have something a bit different today: an announcement from our friend and Twitter guru Teresa Chinn. We are really looking forward to working on this exciting new project. Over to you to explain all Teresa…]
Once upon a time … not so very long ago at all … well in fact earlier this year … WeCommunities travelled to Oxford to meet with The Mental Elf, Cochrane UK and CASP UK to talk about evidence and social media. Since then we have been busily plotting and planning about how we can support the development of critical appraisal skills within the social media space … and we have come up with CATS !!!
Ok, so we haven’t lost the plot entirely as clearly our fluffy and meowing compadres will not help bring evidence into practice nor will they help health care professionals to critically appraise journal articles …. However WeCATS will !! WeCATS – We Critical Appraisal Twitter Session is a collaboration between Cochrane UK, CASP UK, The Mental Elf and WeCommunities, and by bringing our heads together and through working together we aim to hold Critical Appraisal Twitter Sessions, or WeCATS, every 6 weeks using the hashtag #WeCATS.
We want to help you build your confidence in reading research papers in a critical way. Perhaps you’ve never learnt how to do this, or maybe you once had these skills but they’ve gone a bit rusty. Either way, the WeCATS sessions will leave you inspired to read more research and think about the impact they might have on your practice.

Who reads more research papers each week – you or your cat?
How it will work
Every six weeks we will share an open access journal article that we will be appraising with the participants of a Tweet Chat. We will Tweet you a link to it and let you know when we will be discussing it. It’s important that you read the article before the #WeCATS session. We will be doing a speedy analysis of the article (see infographic below) with questions developed by CASP UK. To join in the appraisal simply search and follow #WeCATS … and don’t forget to add #WeCATS to all of your tweets so that we can see you.
Now waaayyyyy back (not so long ago) when we all met in Oxford we all decided that a common enemy to critically reading research papers (the big bad wolf if you like!) is jargon! Jargon confuses, confuddles and bemuses even the best of us, so being able to point out jargon and find out what it all means is very important. So we have created a #JARGONBIN!! If you spot some jargon during the discussion, or even in the article itself then we want you to raise it, shout it from the roof tops and let us know …. And as always with Twitter someone will know what it all means !
After the discussion the lovely Elves from The Mental Elf or Cochrane UK [Editor: #ElfBlush] will write their reflections and this will be posted and linked through all of the web sites, with links to the transcript of the discussion.
Of course an hour’s speedy analysis on Twitter may only just be the start of this amazing adventure … you may wish to analyse the article further or add it to your CPD and CASP’s full Critical Appraisal Checklists can certainly set you on the right road. Following @CASPUK @UKCochraneCentr and @Mental_Elf on Twitter is also highly recommended. In addition to this CASP have some very useful critical appraisal resources here and highly recommended reading are Evidently Cochrane and The National Elf Service websites.
We are really looking forward to see where this critical appraisal adventure takes us and we hope that you are too.
Details of the first #WeCATS discussion paper are here.
If you haven’t joined a tweet chat before, don’t worry, here’s a simple guide to explain how tweet chats work.
And because we like to embrace social media & keep everything short, sociable & shareable, here’s a handy pocket sized infographic >
#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session: Social media legend Teresa Chinn announces the launch of #WeCATS, … http://t.co/l7orrbdZUf
#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session http://t.co/ib9cqKsv8e #MentalHealth http://t.co/wSk25EumfV
The woodland is full of CATS this morning! Find out why http://t.co/yl9SWC6XEQ #WeCATS http://t.co/jDkVrHBOtr
@Mental_Elf love this – however no gurus here only cats ;D
We’ve joined @WeNurses @CASPUK @UKCochraneCentr to bring #CriticalAppraisal to Twitter #WeCATS http://t.co/yl9SWC6XEQ http://t.co/ZimIJS8hQE
Once upon a time … not so very long ago at all … well in fact earlier this year … WeCommunities travelled to… http://t.co/FgQSccrpSj
Great idea @Mental_Elf @WeNurses @CASPUK @UKCochraneCentr #WeCATS #CriticalAppraisal on Twitter http://t.co/GB5MZ1GvIQ @KeeleCATgroup
#WeCATS Coming soon! Critical Appraisal Twitter Session http://t.co/gzGq4cIEsO Bite size & jargon free! https://t.co/fndFf9yVHo
This looks fab:new regular twitter journal club by @Mental_Elf @UKCochraneCentr @CASPUK @WeNurses http://t.co/wKNUBHOL9z let’s get catty?;)
@dr_know @Mental_Elf @UKCochraneCentr @CASPUK @WeNurses Fantastic!
#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session https://t.co/aLgiskSRWv via @sharethis
Don’t miss: Need help brushing up on your critical appraisal skills? Welcome to #WeCATS http://t.co/yl9SWC6XEQ #EBP
Mental Elf: #WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session http://t.co/eHJ3baTqfG
#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session http://t.co/wzzdt9p9ch
#WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session https://t.co/2YMKGFc8E2 via @sharethis
This is cool – a new regular Twitter chat focussed on critical appraisal: #WeCATS http://t.co/T2g9esjkN9 http://t.co/MDsggwtd3k
Critical appraisal skills a bit rusty – Welcome to #WeCATS http://t.co/g2sSBeYoKY TY @Mental_Elf @AgencyNurse http://t.co/9w9eHSFBxW
RT @LJ_Ali1: Yay – I’m not allergic to these CATS http://t.co/iNqbWXF7bw http://t.co/DZZYIm3v4Y #WeCATS Twitter Critical Appraisal sessions…
Want to brush up your critical appraisal skills? #WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Session https://t.co/Lx8iL1zdLy
This is a brilliant plan, Teresa. Don’t forget CATmaker! Putting the “like” into likelihood ratios since 1997… (http://www.cebm.net/category/ebm-resources/tools/critically-appraising-the-evidence/)
Worth a look kate. http://t.co/EVxDrUhxmC
@LiaisonLawson @WeNurses @AlysColeKing @DouglasNatusch @peterkinderman #WeCATS 8pm 25/6/15 http://t.co/yl9SWC6XEQ < Good place to start
Need help brushing up on your critical appraisal skills?
Welcome to #WeCATS
8pm Thu 25 Jul
http://t.co/yl9SWC6XEQ http://t.co/9SclpY5FDv
RT @DiverseOT: Check it out! #WeCATS Critical Appraisal Twitter Sessions. #research #OccupationalTherapy #OT
http://t.co/YkwJzgcB71 http:/…
Remember to follow our Twitter Critical Appraisal session at #WeCATS tonight from 8pm – more info at http://t.co/li4CiQSIyf
#WeCATS 8pm today!
Free critical appraisal training
@WeNurses @CASPUK @UKCochraneCentr http://t.co/FERLOwKQhb
[…] news is that we’re offering free Twitter-based critically appraising support with our new #WeCATS venture, in partnership with WeNurses, CASP and Cochrane […]
[…] Read Teresa’s introduction to #WeCATS here. […]