NICE has developed a series of case studies for GPs to help apply the recommendations from the Common mental health disorders guideline to practice. The case studies which are informed by clinical experience, include contributions from GPs, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to help GPs when considering the range of treatments and approaches that are recommended within the NICE guideline.
The resource is available in two formats, a PDF document for individual learning or a slide set version to help facilitate group learning.
The clinical case scenarios illustrate how the recommendations from the common mental health disorders guideline can be applied to the care of patients presenting within primary care settings.
Each scenario includes details of the person’s initial presentation, their case history and their GP’s summary of the situation after consultation. Decisions about diagnosis and management are then examined using a question and answer approach. Hyperlinks to the relevant recommendations from the NICE guideline are included after the answer, with corresponding recommendation numbers.
Learning objectives are to enable participants to apply the NICE clinical guideline CG123 to clinical practice in four key areas:
- Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems (CMHPs)
- Applying the stepped care model in routine practice
- When and how to initiate investigations for CMHPs
- The role of a GP in review and continuity of care
CG123 Common mental health disorders: clinical case scenarios (PowerPoint)
CG123 Common mental health disorders: clinical case scenarios (PDF)
CG123 Common mental health disorders: Identification and pathways to care (PDF). NICE, May 2011.