Shuranjeet Singh

Profile photo of Shuranjeet Singh
Shuranjeet is a new doctoral student at Oxford university focusing on developing racially inclusive approaches to patient and public involvement. Shuranjeet is also a community mental health advocate and researcher, running his own not-for-profit organisation called Taraki which works with Punjabi communities to reshape approaches to mental health.


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Balancing advocacy and academia during escalating inequities: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


In his latest Researcher in Residence blog, Shuranjeet Singh reflects on the possibilities and pitfalls of balancing academic work with advocacy and action, a balance many of us are actively tussling with.

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Restorative reciprocity in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


Mental Elf Researcher in Residence, Shuranjeet Singh, shares his experiences of power and exploitation in mental health research, and presents restorative reciprocity as a framework for confronting and responding to these historic and ongoing issues.

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Contemplating compassion in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. In this blog he explores the role that compassion has to play in the future of mental health research.

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Researcher in Residence: Shuranjeet Singh – Introductions and Motivations


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. Over the coming months, he will be blogging about his PhD journey, exploring how power operates in patient and public involvement.

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