Daisy Long

Profile photo of Daisy Long
Daisy is Director of DCC Interactive Ltd (DCC-i) and Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University. She is a qualified social worker who has spent a large part of her career working within integrated health and social care environments, providing and developing professional leadership. ​ Daisy is extensively published, and holds qualifications in Social Work, Counselling, Practice Education, Mental Capacity, Mental Health, Mentoring, Leadership & Management, and Training


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What impacts on social workers attitudes towards evidence-based practice?


Daisy Long is back to blogging for the National Elf Service and in her first blog she has reviewed M.Kagan’s 2022 article on Social Workers’ Attitudes towards Evidence-based Practice: A Multidimensional Perspective.

[read the full story...]

Humour as a tool for practice


This study explores the use of humour as a practice tool in social care, drawing on the humour-health hypothesis as the premise of the investigation and identifying both positive and negative impacts that definitely warrant some more thought and exploration. The Elves are not new to the idea that humour can be an important tool [read the full story…]