A new review by Pieper et al 2013 aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the research on treatments for both pain and challenging behaviour in people with dementia.
It hinges around the fact that pain is commonly undertreated because it is not easy to recognise unless there is a diagnosed physical cause, and also because dementia sufferers may have great difficulty communicating their pain verbally.
Behavioural signs such as grimacing, guarding, resistance to care, pacing/rocking etc will give clues to the fact that a person with dementia is in pain, but these symptoms can be confused with other common neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia such as aggression or agitation.
The causes of these behavioural symptoms are different and should be treated appropriately. However, their strong correlation means challenging behaviour irrespective of its cause is often over-treated, frequently with antipsychotic medication which has serious side effects and a harmful impact on quality of life.

Grimacing, guarding, resistance to care, pacing and rocking may point to the fact that a person with dementia is in pain
By contrast, pain which may be the main cause of challenging behaviour is often undertreated although pain medication is less harmful to this vulnerable population.
The researchers systematically searched the literature for published studies only. The studies were included in the review if:
- The participants had a diagnosis of dementia: including Alzheimer Disease dementia, vascular dementia, Lewy body disease or frontotemporal dementia
- Focussed on an intervention (including analgesics, other medications, complementary therapies, movement, music therapy) designed to reduce pain and/or challenging behaviour (distress, wandering, aggression, apathy, agitation, depression etc)
- AND included outcome measurements on pain and/or behaviour (used observation or self-rating scales, questionnaires instruments measuring pain and/or behaviour
They excluded studies if they focused on interventions targeting:
- Behaviour, which did not measure pain outcomes
- Pain, but did not measure behaviour outcomes
- After screening the results of their search, the researchers included 16 studies in the review
- 6 studies on a pain intervention targeting pain and/or behaviour: interventions were all analgesic medications including opioids and paracetamol
- 1 study on a behavioural intervention targeting pain: a small study on music therapy
- 9 studies on an intervention targeting both pain and behaviour: including CBT, bathing methods, rocking, person-centred showering/towel bathing
The main thing that struck me when I looked more closely at the characteristics of the included studies was that there were none on antipsychotics; an all too common behavioural intervention. So logically, this means that no studies on antipsychotics for challenging behaviour measured pain as an outcome. On further examination of the Cochrane Dementia Group’s open access register of controlled dementia trials, known as ALOIS, trials on antipsychotics for behaviour also rarely reported any other quality of life outcomes. I find that pretty shocking.

The reviewers did not look for unpublished studies, so this review may suffer from publication bias
The quality of all 16 studies was assessed using the recently developed but positively evaluated Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), which rated the studies on whether they met four quality criteria on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the study methods. Only one trial met all four criteria for “quantitative randomised” and only one study met all four criteria for “quantitative non-randomized”. No relevant mixed-methods or qualitative studies were identified.
Only published studies were included. No attempt was made by the researchers to access the results of completed but unpublished trials by searching trials registers such as http://clinicaltrials.gov/. This means the results of the review may have been affected by publication bias.
From looking at the relatively small number of 16 trials the researchers said that the evidence suggests that
Pain interventions targeting behaviour and behavioural interventions targeting pain are effective in reducing pain and behavioural symptoms in dementia.
They acknowledged in the discussion that the review’s conclusion should be interpreted with caution as the quality of the studies was moderate and there were big differences between the studies in methodology, interventions and outcome measures used.
My own view
Until the urgently needed research can be done to try and understand the complex relationship between pain and behaviour in dementia better, it’s clear that better pain assessment and management has got to be an integral part of strategies to manage challenging behaviour.
Right now, what’s stopping the dementia research community and patient advocates raising awareness of this important issue? Guidance should be provided immediately to professional and informal caregivers to help stop the unnecessary suffering caused by the under-detection and under-treatment of pain in people with dementia.
Pieper, M.J.C., et al., Interventions targeting pain or behaviour in dementia: A systematic review. Ageing Res. Rev. (2013) [Abstract]
Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated: A new review by Pi… http://t.co/c5NP4sjdPV
“@Mental_Elf: Pain causing challenging behaviour in ppl with dementia is overlooked & under-treated http://t.co/kWR81P7wYF” @gemmaganderton
“@Mental_Elf: Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated http://t.co/8l9MtsSY2d” #shn125
“@Mental_Elf: Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia overlooked and under-treated http://t.co/YPis2ChHCI” worth noting.
@ALOISCommunity summarises a systematic review of interventions targeting #pain or behaviour in #dementia http://t.co/jKicMmHtSm
What are the signs of pain in people with dementia? http://t.co/jKicMmHtSm
@Mental_Elf Long ago, the good old days of the NHS before the management came to power we had a physiotherapist who told us who was in pain.
Pain in dementia can be overlooked & undertreated @Mental_Elf http://t.co/ZWgnOUgV2j
Pain causing challenging behavior in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated http://t.co/YTqAZlmkpK #dementia #pain #neurology
Better pain assessment and management may help manage challenging behaviour in people with dementia http://t.co/jKicMmHtSm
Signs of pain in dementia may be misinterpreted as challenging behaviour and not treated: http://t.co/bCIBGtMZ08 #dementia @Mental_Elf
Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated – The… http://t.co/AYfW9dcjR1
http://t.co/TqWtkHmQws pain + dementia = challenging behaviour
RT @Mental_Elf: In case you missed it: Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated http://t.…
Mental Elf: Pain causing challenging behaviour in people with dementia is overlooked and under-treated http://t.co/ZhahcYEvCF
@HilaryMarmot @RivkahMiar @DrShirleyLock Tx for your comments on our dementia/pain blog yesterday @ALOISCommunity http://t.co/jKicMmHtSm
@Mental_Elf @HilaryMarmot @DrShirleyLock @ALOISCommunity BTW love the pseudonym!
Pain causing #challengingbehaviour in people with #dementia is overlooked and under-treated http://t.co/y1If5Sa68D
for assignment 2