Peter Boyd Piercy

Profile photo of Peter Boyd Piercy
Peter has worked in the homelessness sector for the past decade, primarily in frontline practitioner roles before more recently moving into policy, strategy and research. She has a particular interest in mental health, having previously worked as a Specialist Mental Health Worker at a first stage homeless hostel in central London, and Complex Needs Worker at a supported accommodation service for people with histories of rough sleeping and other support needs such as mental health, physical health and substance use. She is currently a Coordinator at the Women’s Development Unit, a partnership project between The Connection at St Martin’s and Solace Women’s Aid, which aims to bring strategic attention to women’s homelessness, and drive changes to policy and practice. Peter’s role focuses on developing the evidence base around women’s homelessness and using this to influence for change to local and national police and practice development.


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Homelessness and trauma: a vicious cycle


In her debut blog, Peter Boyd-Piercy summarises a recent report for Oasis Community Housing on the prevalence of trauma among people who have experienced homelessness in England.

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