The Mental Elf Awards have been in full swing for a few weeks now. We are recognising excellence in mental health research and have already asked for your 2019 nominations for best mental health research paper, best Mental Elf blog, and best online mental health research conversation. You can keep making suggestions in those categories for the next few weeks, so do get your thinking caps on and send us your nominations.
Today we are opening an important new category: the best mental health research conference or event covered by our #BeyondTheRoom service. For the last few years we have been helping mental health event organisers reach much bigger audiences by covering them live on social media. We use a combination of blogs, tweets, podcasts and videos to help people #BeyondTheRoom to follow what’s going on at the conference and get involved in the conversation.

Please nominate the best mental health event covered by our #BeyondTheRoom live tweeting service in 2019.
Best mental health research conference/event (covered by #BeyondTheRoom)
Mark Brown, Vanessa Gilmartin Garrity and André Tomlin launched the #BeyondTheRoom service in 2016 and it has quickly grown into an extremely popular way to increase the reach and impact of mental health events.
In 2019, we covered 44 events and we’ve listed them all here so you can remind yourself what went on. Once you’ve had a think, please nominate your best mental health conference/event (covered by #BeyondTheRoom).
- eMEN Digital prevention, London (#eMENprevention) Podcast
- Personality Disorders – Mental Health Policy Research Unit, London (#MHPRU) Podcast
- MQScienceMeeting, London (#MQScienceMeeting) Podcast
- Closing the Gap Network launch, York (#ClosingTheGapSMI) Podcast
- Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention, London (#SelfHarmData) Podcast
- VAMHN Open Network Meeting, London (#VAMHN) Podcast
- Oxford Psychiatry 50th anniversary, Oxford (#OxPsych50) Podcast
- London Eating Disorders Conference, London (#LEDC19) Podcast
- After the Mental Health Act review, London (#MHAreview) Podcast
- International Forum on Quality/Safety in Healthcare, Glasgow (#Quality2019) Podcast
- UKRI Cross Disciplinary MH Networks launch, London (#MentalHealthNetworks) Podcast
- IoPPN Research Festival, London (#IoPPNfestival) Podcast
- Zero Suicide Alliance, London (#ZSAconf19) Podcast
- Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components, Leeds (#BCTcompare) Podcast
- CCMD, MHF, York partnership launch, London (#MHResearchForMe) Podcast
- Psychosis Global Mental Health, London (#PsychosisGlobal)
- SPECTRUM knowledge exchange, Manchester (#MentalHealthCarers) Podcast
- Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health Clinical Network event (#YHDementia) Podcast
- Solent NHS R&D, Southampton (#solentconf19)
- Refocus on recovery 2019, Nottingham (#RonR2019) Podcast
- Mental Health Nursing Research, London (#MHNR2019) Podcast
- International Association for Suicide Prevention, Derry (#IASP2019) Podcast
- ESMI (Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness) event, London (#ESMI) Podcast
- IAPTconnect19, London (#IAPTconnect19) Podcast
- IMH & CHBH launch, Birmingham (#LaunchIMHCHBH) Podcast
- VAMHN Network Meeting, Nottingham (#VAMHN) Podcast
- World Mental Health Day, York (#WMHDyork) Podcast
- Patient Safety Conference, Leeds (#IMPSAF2019) Podcast
- ATTUNE Eranid, Newcastle (#ATTUNEproject) Podcast
- Understanding Voices, Durham (#UnderstandingVoices)
- MindBodyBingo, London (#MindBodyBingo)
- FutureLearn Healthcare workshop, London (#FLHealthcare) Podcast
- Urban Mental Health launch, Amsterdam (#UrbanMentalHealth) Podcast
- Elizabeth Blackwell Lecture, Bristol (#EBIPublicLecture)
- Lisbon Addictions, Lisbon (#LxAddictions19) Podcast
- VAMHN, London (#ResponseToViolence) Podcast
- Road to Global Mental Health, London (#RoadToGlobalMH) Podcast
- International Society for Traumatic Stress studies (ISTSS), Boston (#ISTSS2019) Podcast
- Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Information Evening 2019: Teenagers and mental health, London (#cwmt2019) Podcast
- Arts on Prescription, London (#ArtsOnPrescription) Podcast
- Rough Sleeping Initiative funded Psychologically Informed Environments Conference 2019 (#whypie) Podcast
- MindTech, London (#MindTech2019) Podcast
- ARIES study, London (#DigitalMHNextSteps) Podcast
- Global Consortium for Depression Prevention, York (#DepressionPrevention) Podcast
It’s time to nominate now!
Please complete our very short online survey now, to tell us who you think should be recognised as the best mental health research event covered by our #BeyondTheRoom service in 2019.