Since we started the Mental Elf almost a decade ago, we’ve seen a massive increase in the number of online conversations that have been sparked by new mental health research.
We absolutely love facilitating these discussions and we’re especially satisfied when we manage to bring together groups of people (people with lived experience, clinicians, researchers and policy-makers) who don’t normally get to speak to each other about research. It’s when this magic happens that the 17 year gap between research and practice gets speedily bridged!
The #MentalElfAwards honour research, researchers and those who communicate research findings in the real world. This week we’re looking for nominations for the best online mental health research conversation that took place in 2019.
- Mental health research conversations must have happened online, e.g.
- On social media
- On a website discussion forum
- In the comments section of a blog
- Conversations can be in a variety of formats
- Text (social media, blog comments, tweet chat)
- Audio (in a podcast)
- Video (in a webinar or live stream)
- We want you to describe the conversation and say why you think it deserves to be recognised by the #MentalElfAwards

Please nominate your favourite online mental health research conversation from 2019!