Bethany Green

Profile photo of Bethany Green
Bethany Green is a social worker, currently working in community mental health services in East London. Prior to becoming a social worker, Bethany worked across the voluntary and education sector. With an interest in the cultural and social components of mental illness, she completed an MSc in Transcultural Mental Healthcare at Queen Mary University London, where she researched the potential for task sharing and collaboration between traditional and medical healthcare providers in LMICs. Bethany adopts a rights-based approach to mental healthcare, is interested in the social determinants of illness and how we can employ social approaches to prevent and treat mental illness at an individual and community level. Her interests include mental health law; social work; psychosocial approaches; psychosis and schizophrenia; stigma.


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Advanced Decision-Making: promoting self-determination in mental health law


Bethany Green summarises a report that recommends legal reform in England and Wales in regards to advanced decision-making in mental health.

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