Health resources: who decides who gets what

World and stethoscope

Introduction Published by The King’s Fund, this briefing discusses how to improve the allocation of health resources in England. It is aimed at commissioners and local authorities, and other key decisions-makers regarding health care delivery. This is an important document, as it explains clearly the changes taking place from April 2013, as a consequence of [read the full story…]

New framework to help staff protect vulnerable people

Hands holding paper cut-outs of people

Background This document provides guidance for people working to prevent and reduce the risk of abuse and neglect of adults. It is aimed at NHS staff and their partners in education and social care and has been developed in partnership with the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the NHS and the social care [read the full story…]

Co production can lead to redistribution of power in NHS services for people with learning disabilities


In a recent SCIE briefing, Needham (2009) defined co-production as an approach to delivering social care supports that actively encouraged input by the people who use services, emphasising that people getting support from services had assets and expertise which could help improve those services. Needham described co-production as potentially transformative, and an opportunity to rethink [read the full story…]

New NHS mandate identifies key objectives for people with learning disabilities


The NHS has this week published a new ‘mandate’ which sets out a number of agreements between the Government and the NHS Commissioning Board, which is responsible for improving  health outcomes by supporting the commissioning of effective services. The mandate identifies five areas for improvement: preventing people from dying prematurely enhancing quality of life for [read the full story…]