Grace Crowley

Biography: Dr Crowley is a core psychiatry trainee and NIHR academic clinical fellow working in South London. Her interests include mental health of asylum seekers and refugees, social and cultural determinants of suicide, mental health inequalities, and psychiatry education and training. She completed her undergraduate training at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, and in her 4th year became a RCPsych Pathfinder Fellow. During her intercalated year she undertook a Masters in Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and King’s College London. After graduation, she worked as a foundation doctor in Bristol and completed the academic foundation programme, undertaking research projects in suicide epidemiology. She is currently a member of the RCPsych Working Group on Asylum Seeker and Refugee Mental Health. She is also passionate about promoting psychiatry among medical students and is a committee member of the Psychiatry Early Experience Programme at King’s College London medical school.