Carolina Guzman Holst

Profile photo of Carolina Guzman Holst
Carolina was born in Costa Rica and grew up in Panama. Prior to starting her DPhil in Experimental Psychology, she graduated with a MSc in Psychological Research from Oxford and a BSc from Brown University. Carolina's research focuses on understanding the impact of childhood bullying on mental health outcomes, particularly depression and anxiety, using different methodological approaches. She is interested in examining how different risk and protective factors might influence this relationship and what potential mechanisms are involved using longitudinal studies and randomised controlled trials. Carolina is particularly interested in school-based anti-bullying interventions and the impact of those on young people's mental health.


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The role of loneliness in self-injury: using the Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model


In her debut blog, Carolina Guzman Holst reviews a recent cross-sectional study exploring the role of loneliness in relation to self-injurious thoughts and behaviour in the context of the Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model of suicidal behaviour.

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