Primary root canal treatment success rates


Thiis review of the outcomes of primary root canal treatment (RoCT) in studies published since 2003 included 42 studies (15 RCTs, 14 prospective cohorts and 13 retrospective studies. While pooled success rates were high the quality of the included studies was limited and the studies were conducted in an academic or private practice environment.

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Pulp survival after tooth fracture


This review assessing factors related to pulp survival after tooth fracture included 24 studies (4 RCTs, 6 prospective cohort studies, 12 retrospective cohorts, and 2 case-control studies). However the available evidence is overall of very low certainty.

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Pulpotomy in primary teeth- success of medicaments and techniques

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This overview comparing the success rates of various pulpotomy medicaments or techniques, and assessing the methodological quality of reviews included 8 systematic reviews. While most pulpotomy medicaments/techniques, except calcium hydroxide had success rates of 80% or more there is a lack of evidence on the choice of pulpotomy agent.

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Vital pulp therapy in traumatised permanent teeth


This review of vital pulp treatment in the management of traumatised human vital permanent teeth diagnosed with complicated crown or crown-root fractures included 14 studies. Whiel the findings suggest good outcomes most of the included studies were observational with substantial heterogeneity in clinical protocols employed, assessment criteria and outcome reporting.

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Post endodontic pain: Is it affected by irrigation technique?


This review of whether ultrasonic irrigation results in less postoperative root canal treatment pain than conventional irrigation included 6 RCTs. The suggests less pain with ultrasonic irrigation for the first 48 hours but no difference at 72 hours.

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Internal bleaching of endodontically treated discoloured teeth


This review of different bleaching agents used for internal bleaching of endodontically treated discoloured teeth included 8 studies. While the findings suggest all agents had a positive effect the quality of the avaiiable studies is low so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Anaesthetic techniques for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis

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This review of the most effective method of anaesthesia for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis included 22 RCTs. The findings suggest that buccal infiltraion and inferior alveolar nerve block ,Vazirani-Akinosi nerve block and introsseus injections performed better but the evidence was only of low to very low certainty.

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Endodontic diagnosis – conventional radiography versus cone beam computed tomography


Mark-Steven Howe looks at this is diagnostic test accuracy review comparing conventional and cone-beam computed tomography for detecting persistent apical disease after root canal treatment.

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Which retrograde root filling material?


This Cochrane review update of different materials used for retrograde root filling in children and adults requiring retrograde filling included 8 RCTs. However the studies are all at high risk of bias so provide insufficient evidence for the benefits of any one material.

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Vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth


This review aimed to evaluate the association of preoperative factors or intraoperative factors with treatment outcomes of vital pulp therapy. 14 RCTs were included with the findings indicating a 93.2% (95%CI; 91-6% to 94.9%) success rate using contemporary bioceramic material based on low certainty evidence.

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