Can competition improve management quality in the NHS?

Main image - Chris

Chris Sampson reports on a discussion paper produced by the Centre for Economic Performance, which looks at the impact of competition on management quality in hospitals.

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Away from crime and into treatment: diversion and aftercare for drug-using offenders

The review showed some evidence of publication bias

Can we steer drug-using offenders away from crime and into treatment? Chris Sampson explores a study of the cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs.

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Searching for the cost of bipolar disorder


Bipolar disorder is associated with high economic costs…or is it? Chris Sampson reports on a new systematic review, which highlights limitations in our understanding.

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Do perinatal mental health problems cost the UK £8 billion per year?


A recent report estimated the societal cost of perinatal mental health problems to be £8 billion, but should we believe it? Chris Sampson advises caution.

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Are treatments for borderline personality disorder cost-effective?

Dialectical behaviour therapy was specifically developed to help people with borderline personality disorders

Our resident Elf Economist, Chris Sampson, reports on a new systematic review of economic evaluations for borderline personality disorder. Are any cost-effective?

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Are treatments for bipolar disorder cost-effective?


Chris Sampson reports on a recent systematic review and critical appraisal of economic evaluations in bipolar disorder. He finds that there’s a pressing need for new studies, especially discrete event simulations.

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Cytisine and varenicline for smoking cessation


Andrew Jones and Chris Sampson report on a systematic review and economic evaluation of cytisine and varenicline for smoking cessation, which finds that both drugs are clinically effective compared with placebo.

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CBT in primary care is cost-effective for treatment-resistant depression


Elf economist Chris Sampson reports on the economic evaluation of the CoBalT RCT, which finds that CBT is cost-effective for treatment resistant depression in primary care.

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Joint crisis plans: cost-effective for whom?


Chris Sampson looks at the economic outcomes of a recent RCT of joint crisis plans to reduce compulsory treatment for people with psychosis. The study reports the potential for gains specifically among Black patients.

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Health effects of depression: keeping economists’ models on track


Health Economist Christopher Sampson reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which shows health-related quality of life utility values vary between studies and economic models should consider this.

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