Chlorhexidine mouthrinse: Reduced plaque and gingivitis when used as adjunct to mechanical oral hygiene procedures


51 studies were included in this Cochrane review of chlorhexidine mouthwash as an adjunct to mechanical oral hygiene measures. The review provides high quality evidence for a large reduction in the build-up of plaque at 4 to 6 weeks or 6 months. There is also high quality evidence of a moderate reduction in gingivitis in patients with mild gingivitis which may not be clinically important.

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Anti-plaque agents: do they help reduce plaque levels?


63 RCTs contributed to this network meta-analysis of the effectiveness of anti-plaque agents. Results suggested that toothpastes containing triclosan-copolymer or chlorhexidine and mouthrinses containing essential oils or chlorhexidine had the most effect on plaque indicies at 6 months.

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Psychological interventions to improve oral health

This meta-analysis claims to be the first evaluating mindfulness-based interventions in primary care.

This review of psychological interventions to improve oral health identified 9 RCTs reported in 11 papers. A small statistically significant improvement in plaque index was noted but the quality of the available evidence is low. More higher quality studies are needed.

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Theory-guided school-based interventions may improve oral self care in adolescents


In her debut blog, Jacqueline Burns considers a school-based cluster RCT, which demonstrated a small short-term improvement on oral self-care, using a social-cognitive theory based intervention.

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Toothbrushing, plaque removal and gingivitis


The aim of this review was to appraise and summarise systematic reviews of the efficacy and safety of available homecare toothbrush regimens for mechanical plaque removal on plaque and gingivitis in adults. Ten systematic reviews were included confirming that toothbrushing is effective in reducing levels of dental plaque.

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Professional mechanical plaque removal for secondary prevention of periodontal disease


For this review of professional mechanical plaque removal 19 studies were identified. While benefits were shown for an number of outcomes; tooth loss; clinical attachment; pocket depth and bleeding on probing the impact on long-term tooth survival and stability of periodontal parameters has still to be assessed.

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Professional plaque removal more effective with oral hygiene instruction


This is an update to a review first published 10 years ago. Only 3 new studies could be added. These provide some additional evidence that there is little value in providing professional plaque removal without oral hygiene instruction.

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Gingivitis: anti-plaque agents may help


This new review covers the board topic of the efficacy of anti-plaque chemical formulations for managing gingivitis. 87 heterogeneous studies found a statistically significant benefit with most test products.

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Mouthwashes and plaque control in orthodontic patients


This review of mouthwash use in patients having fixed banded orthodontic treatment included 15 small studies and suggests that they reduce plaque levels. However the clinical relevance of the findings are uncertain and larger well conducted studies are needed.

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Mouthrinses: trial finds alcohol-free rinses have similar effects on plaque levels to those containing alcohol


This equivalence trial compared two alcohol free mouthrinses with an alcohol containing rinse and toothbrushing alone. At 8 weeks all 4 interventions reduced interproximal bleeding with plaque reductions being significantly greater in the mouthrinse groups. There was more staining in the 3 mouthrinse groups.

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