Mark-Steven Howe

Profile photo of Mark-Steven Howe
Mark qualified from Birmingham University in 1988. After 4 years in general practice he joined the Royal Air Force Dental Branch on a Short Service Commission serving in the UK and overseas gaining his Diploma and Membership exams in general dental surgery. On leaving the RAF Mark completed his Fellowship to the Faculty of General Dental Practice (FFGDP) and has recently completed an MSc in Evidence-Based Healthcare at the University of Oxford.  Mark has been a full time general dental practitioner at Broadway Dental Care, Worcestershire since 1998. He is a Fellowship assessor for the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners UK, and examiner at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.


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Covid-19: Asymptomatic/presymptomatic and the next patient?


Mark-Steven Howe takes a close look at a new systematic review estimating the extent of true asymptomatic individuals and the associated risk of community spread.

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Face shield studies and droplet contamination

Face shield

In another of his Covid-19 related blogs Mark-Steven Howe looks at the effectiveness of face shields for preventing droplet contamination.

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The tyranny of average and guideline development for PPE

The reviewers identified researchers found it difficult to control for variation

In this opinion piece Mark-Steven Howe considered the challenges of basing decisions on of average values for decision making when infection is not evenly distributed either geographically nor demographically

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Free-standing clean air systems – are they effective in dental practice?


In this blog Mark-Steven Howe looks at what evidence is available regarding the use of free-standing clean air systems in dental practice. There was little direct evidence of the benefits of free-standing clean air systems in dental practice.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources -update

This paper is not a systematic review. It is a carefully considered review of key literature from one expert’s perspective and is therefore prone to bias.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this update of a rapid review of internationssl recommendations for re-opening of dental services published just 10 days after the first review and including a further 5 international guidelines.

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Covid-19 screening: Please may I take your temperature?


In this blog Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at the findings ot two reviews of non-contact thermometers for detecting potentially infected staff or patients.

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Which occupations have the highest potential exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Training health professionals mental and physical healthcare in research, training

Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at recent data from the Office for National Statistics on estimated occupational exposure to generic disease, and physical proximity focusing on the dentists and a number of other professional groups.

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Are we sleepwalking into PPE paralysis?


In this opinion piece Mark-Steven Howe looks at the estimated prevalence of covid-19 in the UK and the impact that it may have on the design of studies to test PPE.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources

Systematic reviews of antidepressants have found beneficial effects overall on depressive symptoms and suicidality in adults and in children.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this rapid review of recommendations for re-opening dental services following changes to dental services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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