Mindfulness based childbirth and parenting: positive impact on stress and depression


In her debut blog, Sophia Ahmed summarises an RCT which finds that Mindfulness based childbirth and parenting can help to reduce stress and depression in expectant mothers.

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Self-compassion for anxiety and depression in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


Sarah Egan summarises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on self-compassion for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression in young people.

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What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on people with mental health problems and the services they use?


Dafni Katsampa summarises a broad review which explores the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on mental health care and people with pre-existing mental health problems.

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Repetitive negative thinking: an important clinical target for the treatment of depression and anxiety? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Imogen Bell summarises a systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into repetitive negative thinking in anxiety and depression.

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Digital interventions for suicidal thinking: a tale of two reviews


In his debut blog, Wouter van Ballegooijen summarises two recent systematic reviews on digital interventions for suicidal thinking, which include more or less the same research, but come to quite different conclusions.

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Universal interventions to prevent mental illness in medical students


Tayla McCloud summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation, behaviour and mental ill health in medical students.

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Mindfulness to support antidepressant withdrawal: patient views and experiences


Hannah Bowers writes her debut blog on a recent qualitative study, which explores how mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can help people stop taking antidepressants and recover from depression. This paper includes the views and perspectives of participants in the 2015 PREVENT trial.

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Complementary therapies for PTSD: can mindfulness combat the mindlessness of combat? #CAMSTRAND2018


The #CAMSTRAND2018 delegates blog about a recent systematic review of mind-body therapies for Military Veterans with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

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Prevention and early intervention for youth mental illness: how should we focus our limited resources? #MQScienceMeeting


André Tomlin presents a summary of all the evidence we have highlighted over the last 3 years relating to prevention and early intervention for mental illness in young people.

This blog accompanies the #MQScienceMeeting coverage this week, which you can follow on Twitter.

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Third wave psychotherapies for depression and anxiety in older people


Sarah McDonald is left feeling frustrated by this meta-analysis of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for depression and anxiety in older people.

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