Serotonin hypothesis of depression: balance (and imbalance) is in the eye of the beholder


The 2022 review by Moncrieff et al on the serotonin theory of depression received a great deal of media coverage. In this blog, Rebecca Wilkinson and Sameer Jauhar shed fresh light on this research and what it means for mental health science and practice.

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Botulinum toxin and idiopathic dentoalveolar pain

Botulinum toxin

This review of the use of botulinum toxin (BONT-A) for pain-relief in patients with persistent idiopathic dentoalveolar pain included just 3 small uncontrolled studies providing a very limited amounh of very low quality evidence.

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Antidepressant withdrawal: slower and lower tapering of SSRIs


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent personal view by Mark Horowitz and David Taylor about tapering of SSRI treatment to mitigate antidepressant withdrawal symptoms.

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How can psychedelics treat mental illness? #PsilocybinMedicine


Catherine Bird writes her debut elf blog on a recent opinion review by Robin Carhart-Harris entitled: How do psychedelics work?

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Genetics of depression: understanding risk and improving treatment


Douglas Levinson on a genome-wide meta-analysis of depression in 807,553 individuals, which identifies 102 independent variants relating to the genetics of depression.

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Switching antipsychotics in schizophrenia: the OPTiMiSE RCT


Tracey Roberts summarises a recent paper that reviews the existing literature concerned with switching antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia, and goes on to present the ongoing OPTiMiSE RCT in this field, which is due to be published in 2016.

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