Oral lichen planus and autoimmune disorders


This review of the prevalence of autoimmune disorders in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and their magnitude of association included 153 studies. while links between autoimmune thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus where shown a majority of the included studies were of low quality.

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Geographic tongue and psoriasis


This review assessing the prevalence of geographic tongue in psoriatic and non-psoriatic patients includded 11 cas-controlled studies. Meta-analysis showed that the odds of having geographic tongue in patients with psoriasis was higher OR = 3.53 (95%CI; 2.56-4.86).

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Eating disorders and autoimmune diseases: a bidirectional relationship?

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Helen Bould appraises a new Swedish study published today in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, which evaluates the strength of associations for the bidirectional relationships between eating disorders and autoimmune diseases.

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Psychiatric illnesses and some chronic physical illnesses are associated with an increased risk of self-harm and suicide


Last month, the Department of Health published the ‘Closing the Gap’ report, which highlighted the importance of better integration of physical and mental health care at every level. The report specifically flagged up the need for frontline services to respond better to people who self-harm, and cited statistics that emphasise the cyclical nature of the [read the full story…]