NHS-recommended e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress: promising but limited


Natalie Berry summarises a meta-analysis which finds a limited body of research exists to support the use of NHS e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress.

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We can safely deliver therapy to suicidal inpatients, but we still don’t know if it works


John Baker reviews a pilot randomised controlled trial of cognitive-behavioural suicide prevention therapy for mental health inpatients, which found that the therapy was acceptable and feasible to deliver.

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Mental health apps: using implementation science to understand sustained use


Bethany Gill summarises a recent narrative review of mental health apps for depression and anxiety, which explores what’s needed to make sure apps are successfully implemented and used sustainably.

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Lived experience in suicide prevention intervention development: review of a decade’s worth of research


Eleanor Bailey and Jo Robinson explain that most suicide prevention interventions are developed without the involvement of people who have lived experience of suicide. They go on to make a set of recommendations for how future intervention research in suicide prevention is conducted and reported.

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Patient safety- few dental studies have been conducted

rubbing out risk with pencil

There is growing interest in patient safety in health care. This review sought to identify any dental research in this area, only a small number of studies were identified demonstrating the need for further research

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