Measuring the mediators: initiating, maintaining and interrupting interactions. How do support workers support social inclusion?


Being engaged in our community at a level, with which we feel comfortable, could be a measure of the quality of our lives. But how do workers who support people with learning disabilities help them in ways, which can achieve this? What helps and what gets in the way?

Here, in her debut blog, Paula Hopes looks at a naturalistic observation study that looked at this issue in more detail.

[read the full story...]

Arts group for young people with learning disabilities provides benefits for those involved and wider community


In times of economic hardship, it would be easy to discount the contribution to emotional well being that taking part in arts activities can afford us. However, the arts offer opportunities for self expression and people with learning disabilities have the right to take part in creative and expressive activities, achieving new goals and potentially [read the full story…]

Alcohol use and people with learning disabilities


Yesterday we posted about a U.S. review which identified the small number of studies on substance abuse and the lack of clear estimates of prevalence. Normally, here at Elf towers, we only identify studies that are reviews of literature, or single studies that report results. But given yesterday’s posting, we thought it might be interesting [read the full story…]

Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and work participation: a systematic review

All stakeholders should be involved using a worker support approach

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee joints is a very common condition amongst the elderly; however, what is often forgotten is that its onset is often while people are still in paid employment, which may lead to perceived difficulties in performing work tasks. We Elves are very hard-working individuals, so I asked myself, in [read the full story…]