Caries prevention in children: The RECUR trial


This multi-centre RCTs of a single dental nurse delivered ‘talking’ intervention informed by motivational interviewing approaches was successful in reducing new caries experience in a group of high risk children at 2 years.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs Jan – Mar 2019

Yes, it's a Christmas kitten. Well this is the internet. Designed to share knowledge. And pictures of kittens.

Our most popular Dental Elf blogs for January, February and March 2019 featuring Sedation, General anaesthesia and fluoride toothpastes.

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Dental general anaesthesia in children: Impacts on the family

This review suggests that children in kinship foster care may do better than those in traditional foster care, in terms of their behavioural development, mental health functioning, and placement stability

21 quality of life studies were included in this review of the family impacts following children’s dental treatment under general anaesthesia. The findings suggest a significant positive impact on parental emotions, activity, and conflict.

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Sedation for children undergoing dental treatment


This Cochrane review update of the efficacy and relative efficacy of conscious sedation agents and dosages for behaviour management in paediatric dentistry includes 50RCTs providing some moderate-certainty evidence that oral midazolam is an effective sedative agent for children undergoing dental treatment.

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Oral health-related quality of life improved in children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia.

The authors suggest a number of factors that may lead to increased prevalence, including depression, childhood trauma, low self-esteem and genetic risk.

20 studies were identified for this review of oral health related quality of life in children following general anaesthetic (GA). While a majority demonstrated an improvement following GA most are based on convenience samples and are of limited quality so more high quality research is needed.

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Sedation or general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children


This update of a Cochrane review, first published in 2009, did not identify any RCTs comparing the efficiency of sedation versus general anaesthesia (GA) for the provision of a dental treatment.

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Local anaesthetic to reduce pain of dental care under general anaesthesia – evidence unclear


This Cochrane review included 14 trials of variable quality that could not be combined due to variation in local anaesthetic delivery and outcome measures. So the results from individual studies for pain, bleeding and other adverse effects are uncertain.

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Weak evidence that oral midazolam is an effective sedative for children undergoing dental treatment

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

Sadly,  despite the fact that dental caries is preventable and industrial nations have seen substantial falls in recent years there are still significance numbers of children with dental caries that remains untreated.   While many of these can be managed with routine care other need additional behavioural management support, sedation or for a small (but significant) [read the full story…]

Treatment under general anaesthesia improved quality of life for children with early childhood caries

An operating theatre.

Despite improvements in oral health in many countries early childhood caries (ECC) remains the most common reason for hospital admissions for paediatric patients.  Children with ECC have a lower oral-health-related quality of  life (OHRQoL).  The aim of this study was to see whether dental treatment of young Auckland children under GA improved oral-health-related quality of [read the full story…]