What do teachers need to support student mental health?

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Rachel Symons summarises a qualitative study on teachers’ aspirations, needs and opinions regarding student mental health support in secondary schools.

[read the full story...]

How can we help people with learning disabilities engage more in meaningful activities?


Nick Burton reviews a US study of people with learning disabilities living in community group homes, who help show how well they engage in meaningful social and non-social activities.

[read the full story...]

Achieving increases in active support through practice leadership needs systematic development of skills and management focus says exploratory study


Active support is about ensuring staff have working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and engagement in activities.

In her debut blog for the Learning Disabilities Elf, Louise Philips describes a study which set out to look at whether the quality of practice leadership was a factor in developing active support.

Louise also sets out an excellent breakdown of exactly what practice leadership is what managers need to do to ensure this framework for practice development is robust.

[read the full story...]

Judgements about learning disability services quality based on snapshot experiences were not sufficient to understand service performance in Australian study


What needs to be done to ensure quality services for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities and how can organisations ensure that this is done consistently?

Here, Nick Burton describes the findings of an Australian study that uses observational methodology to look in great detail at what was happening for a number of people in small 24hr staffed houses for four to six people.

[read the full story...]

Supporting older people with learning disabilities with inclusive retirement


A short while ago, we posted about the reflections of mentors in a programme in Australia aimed at helping older people get connected to and take part in community groups. The paper we are posting about today draws on data from that project. The researchers developed the project in the context of increasing numbers of [read the full story…]

Using mentors as natural supports helped include older people with learning disabilities

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Social inclusion is at the heart of UK policy for disabled and disadvantaged people. The right to inclusion is one of the underpinning rights set out in the 2001 White Paper ‘Valuing People’. As a concept in the research literature though, it suffers from a lack of clear definition. O’Brien identified community participation as one [read the full story…]

Active support study finds shared supported accommodation services inefficient for more able people with learning disabilities


Active support involves training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and increase levels of engagement in activities and the authors of this study have written about its effectiveness elsewhere In this study, they set out to explore the characteristics of the residents who were being supported by organisations implementing [read the full story…]

Person centred active support increased choice making opportunities for people with learning disabilities


We have posted previously about the use of active support which involves training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. The purpose of the current study however was to look at the impact of active support approaches on other outcome measures. The researchers [read the full story…]

Review finds individual and family characteristics associated with need for urgent respite

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This review of literature set out to explore the issues relating to families relinquishing the support of their family member with learning disabilities, often at a point of crisis. The review looked at situations where the family member is placed by disability services in respite care until suitable permanent accommodation can be organised or indeed, [read the full story…]

Active support training was effective in supporting people with learning disabilities to be engaged in daily activities


Active Support involves concerns training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of resident participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. It is being introduced in many support services for people with learning disabilities to help bring about such improvements. This Australian study set out to look at what happened when [read the full story…]