Alison Giraud-Saunders

Profile photo of Alison Giraud-Saunders
Alison’s particular interests include: promoting better health and access to health services for people with learning disabilities; working with the criminal justice system to improve opportunities and support for people with learning disabilities who offend, and supporting ‘partnership with purpose’ between all those who can collaborate to improve life chances for people with learning disabilities and family carers. Her project work and publications are focused on these topics. She is an independent consultant, following posts at the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, King’s College London, the Valuing People Support Team and in the NHS (both commissioning and Trust roles, supporting the development of joint commissioning and person-centred services for people with learning disabilities). She chairs the National Family Carer Network and is a trustee of the Oxford Citizens Advice Bureau.


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Hand held health records increased awareness of health issues but no evidence of improvements in short-term health care activity

The incentivised scheme was introduced in England in 2008-09 to encourage annual GP health checks

Health Action Planning was advocated in the 2001 White Paper and hospital passports are becoming accepted practice. But what impact are they having on outcomes for people with learning disabilities?

Here Alison Giraud Saunders looks at a systematic review of published research on health records held by people with learning disabilities which looks at this question.

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Equipping family carers with better information about in-patient assessment and treatment for people with learning disabilities

getting it right cover

We know that access to accurate information is crucial if people are to make good decisions about the support they get from services. If someone with a learning disability is admitted to a hospital unit for assessment or treatment for a mental health issue or in response to behaviour that is challenging support services, this can be a particularly difficult and confusing time for all concerned.

In her debut blog, Alison Giraud-Saunders, along with co-author Angela Cole, describes a booklet that she co-authored with the involvement of family members which has lots of key information on the law and people’s rights.

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